Industry Moving Towards Robotics for Safer Practices

Ekso Bionics is the world leader in providing exoskeleton technology that improves quality of life and enhances human capabilities. Their first exosuit, HULC, was used in military applications and allowed soldiers to carry heavy loads across long distances and at greater speeds. Since then, they’ve continued to build on their robotic suit offerings, and they’re still used by DARPA to this day.

Ekso has also branched into neurorehabilitation and physical therapy. With their EksoNR program, stroke patients, those with acquired brain injuries, and even patients suffering paraplegia from incomplete spinal cord injuries (SCI) can be trained to walk again and regain their natural gait. More and more often, however, Ekso Bionics is bringing its expertise to industrial applications, such as wearables and robot tools for construction workers, manufacturing, and the automotive industry. Here are just a few of their most successful products for industrial applications and how they’re leading to safer practices.


Constructions workers and other industry employees are at greater risk for workplace injuries compared to most of the population. In addition to the physical pain and mental stress caused to the injured worker, workplace injuries also cost productivity and can lower employee morale. Such injuries are most commonly caused by overexertion and worker fatigue. EksoWorks believes that all workplace injuries are preventable.

The EksoVest is the original upper body wearable technology that provides lift assistance and increased endurance for workers. The vest wraps around workers like a harness, connecting near the hips and once again at the upper arm. It supports worker’s arms through repetitive motions and heavy lifting. The vest is probably most well-known thanks to its test run with the Ford group. The Ford Motor Company used the EksoVest to help assembly line workers perform overhead tasks, such as installing oil filters in vehicles, for increased periods of time. It greatly reduced the physical toll of the vehicle assembly process, and feedback from these tests was used to improve the vest even further.

Ekso EVO

This is the modern evolution of the EksoVest. Boasting the tagline “power without the pain,” EVO is a durable and comfortable vest the assists workers with tasks at chest height and overhead work alike. EVO provides greater temperature control than the original model, and it can track the full range of movement, so even extreme movements are totally unrestricted.

In addition to the assembly improvements, EVO is still a spring-loaded suit that requires no batteries or power whatsoever, so workers can take it on a tough job anywhere without having to worry. EVO even allows workers to toggle how weight is balanced on each shoulder, so they’re in complete control and can adjust settings without any help.

Ekso ZeroG

This solution is essentially a robot arm that workers can use to carry and hold heavy tools. It can be deployed anywhere, but it’s mainly used for aerial jobs, such as on construction scaffolding. The arm supports a wide variety of tools weighing up to 42 lbs including rotary hammers, rivet busters, grinders, drills, and more.

Like EVO, this is an entirely spring-loaded solution, so workers don’t have to worry about lugging around a power supply for deployment. The arms essentially transfer the weight from the tool into its base and then into the ground, so workers can experience a true sense of weightlessness when using the tools. This includes virtually zero-effort tool movement as well. At this time, it can be safely mounted to aerial work platforms and scaffolding, but as the technology advances, it will likely be mountable on other surfaces in the future.

Combining EVO and ZeroG will provide your workforce with everything they need to cut down on incident rates, improve performance, and boost morale.

Contact Ekso Bionics

Exoskeletons and robots may sound as though they belong in a sci-fi film, but they don’t. Exoskeletons belong right here, among the millions of people experiencing the effects of neurological and physical injuries leading to weakness and paralysis. To learn more about the newest exosuit technology and how they can help your application, reach out to the Ekso Bionics team today.

Tech Innovations and Physical Therapy

Physical therapists and clinicians are a vital part of the rehabilitation process for many different kinds of patients. Whether an individual is recovering from spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, or strokes, patients need assistance when relearning how to perform everyday functions–such as standing or walking. While rehabilitation centers have been around for many years, new innovations in wearable robots and exosuits are revolutionizing the field.

Lightweight robotic exosuits have numerous benefits for physical therapy patients, as well as rehabilitation sciences. This technology provides assistance to a patient’s joints and limbs while relearning how to walk within a clinical setting. With the help of mechanical power, stroke survivors and other patients can get back a sense of freedom with increased mobility. Gone are the days of wheelchairs and crutches, instead, patients have the opportunity to strap into exoskeleton robotics until they eventually get back to a normal walking speed on their own. After many clinical trials, physical therapists around the globe can now take advantage of the tech innovations our exosuits provide.

Benefits for Physical Therapy

So what makes exoskeletons different? When it comes to rehabilitation, there have been plenty of wearable tools to help patients get back on the treadmill and sensors to help gauge levels of improvement. But these tools addressed only individual problem areas and were limited in their ability to recreate a person’s full range of motion. Ekso’s exosuit technology works with your natural range of motion and offers assistive force with broad applicability. Robotic exoskeletons help with neurorehabilitation and physical therapy in innovative ways that offer an immediate effect and benefit.

Expanding a Patient’s Natural Gait

For stroke patients or individuals relearning how to walk, there can be mental blocks as well as physical difficulties associated with the learning process.  With a wearable robot, study participants can explore a new level of freedom and embrace their natural gait. Rather than following a rigid gait pattern of traditional suits, exosuit technology has functional textiles that assist your natural gait patterns rather than rewriting them. An exosuit will guarantee you are learning to rewalk without stressing or harming any other joints or muscles. The assistive force also helps patients with walking farther and endurance for standing positions. A patient’s gait mechanics are key to finding a sense of normalcy with their walking, and exosuit tech innovations are the tool to help patients meet these important outcomes.

Adjust A Patient’s Challenge Level in Real-time

Every physical therapist understands that in order to improve, a patient must be challenged physically to build strength, flexibility, and endurance. An exosuit can adjust to the level needed in real-time. Exoskeletons allow for the therapist to adjust the level of support provided to patients as they progress with treatment. So as patients improve, they will rely on the technology less and learn to walk without assistance. This increases the success of patient outcomes.

EksoNR is FDA Approved for Rehabilitation

Ekso takes pride in being a leader in the field of exoskeleton technology for all industries. We are taking critical steps to help improve the lives of stroke survivors and other injured persons. We are proud to say that our EksoNR is FDA approved as a rehab tool for physical therapists. After exploratory study, we are excited to help your patients take their next critical step to rewalking within stroke rehabilitation, brain injury recovery, or spinal cord injury recovery. The promise of the exosuit technology and other advancements can make a difference for your patients in a multitude of ways.

Contact Ekso Bionics

Exoskeletons and robots may sound as though they belong in a sci-fi film, but they don’t. Exoskeletons belong right here, among the millions of people experiencing the effects of neurological and physical injuries leading to weakness and paralysis. To learn more about the newest exosuit technology and how they can help your application, reach out to the Ekso Bionics team today.

How Wearable Suits are Changing Workers Safety and Health

Workers in the manufacturing and construction industries are at high risk for injuries compared to workers in most other fields. Repetitive strain injuries and workplace injuries due to fatigue are just a few of the possibilities. Beyond the inherent pain and stress that job site injuries cause, not to mention the medical expenses, there are also issues of lost productivity and lowered morale to consider. Naturally, supervisors and workers at an industrial site want to prevent as many injuries as possible. Ekso Bionics believes that all workplace injuries are preventable, and their wearable exoskeletons can help.

While exoskeletons are known in pop culture thanks to their appearances in Sci-Fi and other media, their ability-enhancing uses are, in fact, a reality. They won’t give you the near-superpower capabilities of Iron Man, but they can improve physical capabilities beyond what the human body is typically capable of. Ekso’s first wearable exoskeleton was known as HULC, and it was designed for military applications, allowing soldiers to carry heavy loads over long distances and with increased mobility. To this day, Ekso assists with military exoskeletons used by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Their wearable robots are also used for rehabilitation purposes to help patients with incomplete SCI, stroke patients, and people with neurological disorders to regain their walking ability.

More and more commonly, however, exosuits are being used in the construction industry to support wearer’s joints during heavy physical activity. Here are a couple of the industrial exo models and how they help users.

Ekso EVO

This industrial exoskeleton is an evolution of the original EksoVest that was tested by Ford and other industry leaders. EksoVest was a lightweight exoskeleton, sometimes called a soft exosuit, that provided upper-body support to help cut down on overexertion, the most common cause of construction injuries. The EksoVest wearable was largely praised by workers for its assistance with specific tasks, particularly with overhead work, but EVO provides even greater support with a full range of motion and unparalleled comfort.

Boasting the tagline “power without pain,” the EVO exoskeleton is spring-loaded and designed for numerous industrial applications. It essentially wraps around a worker like a harness and supports their upper limbs for repetitive tasks and positions that are difficult to maintain. Consider overhead tasks in the automotive industry, for example. These jobs often require workers to raise their arms above their heads for hours per day, often lifting and installing heavy filters. EVO exoskeleton technology helps distribute this weight into the user’s hips and legs instead of wearing the shoulder joint.

EVO also has minimal contact points with workers, wrapping around near the hips and connecting only at the upper arms. This not only allows for a full range of motion but also ensures high-quality airflow, keeping workers cooled and comfortable. Industry leaders across the U.S. are using EVO to reduce worker fatigue and prevent injuries on site.

Ekso ZeroG

Ekso’s ZeroG is a robotic arm that assists workers with lifting heavy tools at aerial job sites, like construction scaffolding. The passive exoskeleton system is able to hold heavy tools like rivet busters, grinders, rotary hammers, and more weighing up to 42 lbs. Like EVO, this robot arm is spring-loaded and can be taken virtually anywhere without any concern for power supply.

The arm can be mounted virtually anywhere, and it’s able to transfer the weight of the tools to either the ground or the work surface, freeing up your workers to focus on precision rather than the pain of moving the tools. The arm accounts for each weight shift and movement of a tool as well, so workers on your construction site truly do feel like the tools are weightless.

These are just some of the more notable ways that wearable technology and other robotics are able to improve safety and help with workers’ long-term health by reducing strain. As technology advances, it’s practically certain that even more work will be taken off human workers, freeing them up for more important tasks and increased productivity.

Contact Ekso Bionics

Exoskeletons and robots may sound as though they belong in a sci-fi film, but they don’t. Exoskeletons belong right here, among the millions of people experiencing the effects of neurological and physical injuries leading to weakness and paralysis. To learn more about the newest exosuit technology and how they can help your application, reach out to the Ekso Bionics team today.

Innovation in Neurorehab

While the prefix ‘neuro’ usually relates to anything having to do with the brain (words like ‘neurology’ come to mind immediately), in the physical therapy field, it may also refer to rehabilitation for the central nervous system. For example, a stroke survivor may experience reduced or complete loss of limb function. This paralysis is a result of a disruption in the nervous system. Neurorehabilitation clinicians (physiatrists and PM&R physicians) and physical therapists aim to help stroke survivors gain mobility in their limbs, walk farther, and hopefully walk back into their communities.

Stroke patients can experience a range of symptoms—from limited function in one or more limbs to complete paralysis on one side of the body. Regardless of their condition’s severity, it can be frustrating and disheartening to learn to walk again. This is why clinicians, physical therapists, and researchers from institutes of the caliber of Harvard University, Boston University, and Johns Hopkins are excited about the options that a lightweight Exosuit may present to patients. Innovation in rehabilitation, and the medical field are the only way to improve important outcomes. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how wearable robots are making waves in the world of rehabilitation sciences.

Exosuits are changing clinical settings and patient outcomes.

Once, not that long ago, all physical therapists had to rely solely on their own discretion and their own bodies when adjusting and carrying out P.T. exercises, such as walking on a mechanical power treadmill in a harness system. While therapists are known to be pros at what they do, human error still happens in the rehabilitation sciences, just like anywhere else. Today, a patient in a clinical setting can wear a lightweight, exosuit (or exoskeleton) that collects data on their improvement and important outcomes in real-time, a level of reliability that wasn’t possible before. By using real-time data, P.T. practitioners can maximize session times and improve outcomes for their patients. In other words, patients are gaining back abilities more quickly than before.

Software that adapts to a stroke patient’s gait pattern.

P.T. practitioners need to be aware of the patient’s ever-changing gait, gait mechanics, and ability because if a patient puts too much stress on a limb or ankle joint that isn’t quite ready, it can lead to further injury. EksoNR and other robotic exoskeletons solve that by using software to keep tabs on a stroke patient’s capabilities and adjust the assistance accordingly. By wearing an exosuit, even someone with a spinal cord injury could improve immensely in terms of balance, walking speed, or gait quality.

Exosuits are adjustable for the needs of specific joints.

When you think about an exoskeleton, you might be thinking of a rigid structure to be worn over a patient’s body, locking them in. That’s not at all what an exosuit by Ekso is like—in fact, this wearable robot can be adapted to each joint specifically—hip, ankle, knee, and more. Wearing an exosuit probably isn’t as comfortable as throwing on a pair of sweats, but it’s not uncomfortable either. The fact that exosuit technology is this customizable allows physical therapists who are treating spinal cord injuries or working on stroke rehabilitation to treat a specific patient’s needs. That inevitably leads to better outcomes.

Exosuit technology has been widely studied and acclaimed, with 110 studies being either carried out currently or already completed at acclaimed universities. As noted above, these include Harvard University and Boston University, but also the Kessler Foundation, UCLA, and UC Berkeley. Clinical trial results have been excellent, with the vast majority of people reporting an immediate effect and improvement levels that are far and away better than previously witnessed in stroke rehabilitation patients. While the exosuit technology is new, it’s a critical step towards improving stroke survivors’ lives around the United States and, indeed, the world over with its broad applicability.

Contact Ekso Bionics

Exoskeletons and robots may sound as though they belong in a sci-fi film, but they don’t. Exoskeletons belong right here, among the millions of people experiencing the effects of neurological and physical injuries leading to weakness and paralysis. To learn more about the newest exosuit technology and how they can help your application, reach out to the Ekso Bionics team today.

How Ekso Suits are Amplifying Human Mobility

Spinal cord injuries, strokes, and brain injuries impact people across the country each year. Disability impacts both the physical and emotional well-being of millions of individuals across the U.S. In the last year, around 61 million Americans reported living with a disability. Some conditions cause chronic pain and discomfort. Others limit mobility by causing fatigue and decreasing strength and endurance.

With the Ekso suit, it’s possible to regain some of that previous physical freedom. Ekso products are exoskeleton suits that aid the disabled with physical movements. Wearable robots and exoskeletons initially interested military investors but now have an increasing role in civilian life, too. Now, physical therapists use these robotic exoskeletons in their practice working with disabled individuals. Here’s a look at how Ekso Bionics is using exoskeletons to rethink human mobility.

What are exoskeletons?

A bionic exoskeleton, like the ones Ekso produces, is a type of lightweight, wearable robot. It’s not a new technology, either. Industrial exoskeletons help prevent workplace injuries and ease heavy loads. In physical therapy, these bionic suits allow patients to get up earlier in their recovery, work on mobility tasks for longer durations, and help them progress more quickly. In one application, injured veterans who are wheelchair users may re-learn how to assume a standing position. In another, construction workers might use one to move a large object with less strain and risk of injury. While there are numerous use cases, Ekso Bionics focuses on differently-abled individuals. An Ekso product can enhance a user’s mobility and help the wearer feel more empowered.

How do Ekso suits work?

Ekso products have several different applications. From the EksoNR, an exosuit that provides leg support, to the EksoUE, which targets arms and shoulders, these powered exoskeletons can aid various patients. The EksoNR focuses on the lower half of the body and provides both power and support to the legs, particularly in injury or paralysis cases. This helps patients reestablish proper walking patterns and relearn their natural gait. This exosuit challenges the wearer to use the right movement patterns during their recovery period. As the wearer progresses toward unassisted walking, this helps them build strength and confidence while reducing fatigue.

Compared to the EksoNR, the EksoUE serves a different purpose. For individuals who suffer from an upper extremity affliction or a form of paralysis, this Ekso suit helps them recover their previous range of motion. The suit assists the impacted arm with common movements and is a useful tool for regaining the strength and endurance necessary for daily tasks.

What are the features of an Ekso product?

Ekso Bionics is disrupting the wearable robotics industry with our approach to each suit we create. That’s why these exosuits have advanced features that can help individuals with mild and severe mobility problems – across the continuum of care. Exoskeleton software captures applicable data, including steps, movements, and outcome measures that allow for deeper analytics. Physical therapists can use this data to adjust a rehabilitation plan as needed.

There’s also the unique SmartAssist software, which offers an advanced level of customizable motor support. This way, the EksoNR can adjust to different impairment levels for a wide range of affected patients. The physical therapist can toggle between patient-initiated movements and physical therapist-initiated movements that might require full assistance. This provides a tailored rehabilitative experience for each patient and helps them regain their confidence as they safely practice movement. Plus, the clinician controls allow for real-time targeting that creates a feedback-based regimen for the patient. It’s a more intuitive way to approach physical therapy and rehabilitation that takes patient experience into account.

Ekso Bionics is pioneering mobility.

Ekso products remain at the forefront of exoskeleton and wearable robot technology. Ekso technology gives wearers a sense of accomplishment and dignity as they work toward independent movement. Bionic exoskeleton suit markets continue to grow and will be assisting user mobility for the foreseeable future.

Contact Ekso Bionics

Exoskeletons and robots may sound as though they belong in a sci-fi film, but they don’t. Exoskeletons belong right here, among the millions of people experiencing the effects of neurological and physical injuries leading to weakness and paralysis. To learn more about the newest exosuit technology and how they can help your application, reach out to the Ekso Bionics team today.

How to Incorporate Exoskeletons into Physical Therapy Treatments

Exoskeleton technology is one of the newest innovations for physical therapy and neurorehabilitation. For over ten years, Ekso Bionics has been working diligently to provide exosuits and wearable robots for rehabilitation centers. As the only FDA-approved robotic suits for spinal cord injury, stroke, and brain injury recovery, EksoNR can be the perfect assistive device for your rehabilitation institution.

Physical therapy is a deeply personal experience for every patient. As a therapist, you get to work with patients as they learn to walk again, sit upright, or regain movement in the limbs. You have a number of tools, exercises, and treatments to help them achieve this goal. Exoskeletons can help take your clinical practice to the next level. With the help of a wearable robotic exoskeleton, patients can increase their endurance, practice different skills, and regain their capabilities in a natural way. The EksoNR can help in a variety of ways, you just need to be open and creative with how you incorporate it into your therapy standards. Here are a few tips and logistics for how an exoskeleton suit can work within your rehabilitation center.

Use EksoNR every step of the way.

The beauty of EksoNR is that it is incredibly adaptable. The exoskeleton can strap on and assist with anything from balance to weight-shifting to gait training. The wearer can rely on this robot every step of the way, literally. Depending on their current level of progress, you have the power to change the setting in real-time. So while the power source may be in full gear on day one just to keep your patient upright, as they get stronger, regain function, and master their endurance, you can adjust the settings to give less assistance. Don’t be afraid to use this tool in multiple different ways throughout the treatment. It’s designed to adapt as the patient gradually recovers.

Avoid fatigue while still challenging patients.

One of the challenges of physical therapy is fatigue or exhaustion for your patients. Relearning basic skills can be difficult when you’ve gone through brain trauma and it’s completely reasonable for your patients to feel this way. When fatigue starts to settle in, a robotic exoskeleton can be there as extra support for the wearer. Think of this as a safety net to catch them if they should fall. Having that extra protection while still pushing limitations will help you see actual results.

Remember the exoskeleton is primarily a temporary assistive device.

As an apparatus, an exoskeleton can serve many purposes. This device is not designed to replace your other exercises and techniques, but rather work with them to help patients progress more quickly and easily. Ekso has designed a robotic assistive device before anything else. Rehabilitation is still a long journey that will take patience and dedication. The ultimate goal is to leave the assistive device behind so your rehab patients can eventually get back to walking and operating on their own accord. Use the exoskeleton to help with recovery, and then leave it behind when the patient no longer has need of it.  The eventual goal with EksoNR is to help a patient regain enough function and quality gait that they can walk home without Ekso or any other assistive device such as a wheelchair, walker, or cane.

Embrace natural gait and mobility with the device.

The innovative design of Ekso exoskeletons works with your natural range of motion. Rather than a clunky piece of equipment, this wearable suit fits around your joints and muscles rather than restricting them. Patients can relearn their natural gait and hopefully regain full mobility. As the first exoskeleton of its kind, EksoNR can be incorporated into your physical therapy treatments without getting in the way of anything. The adaptability and ease of adjustments make this a great solution to help with as many patients as possible on a clinic day.  Patient progress and actually seeing results in mobility, endurance, and range of motion are another reason to give EksoNR a serious look.

Acquired Brain injury and Esko Robotics: How Robotics are Becoming Essential to Patients

Suffering from an acquired brain injury is something no one ever wants to go through. After a spinal cord injury, brain trauma, or a stroke, there can be so many uncertainties about your future. Will you suffer from paralysis? What are your new physical limitations? How long will you have to be in rehabilitation centers before you get back to activities of daily living? Recovery can be a long journey that tests your will and endurance. But with the help of physical therapists and clinicians, you can regain some strength and get used to that new normal.

If you work at or with rehabilitation institutions, you have first-hand experience with helping patients relearn their new human capabilities. Thanks to new technology, you can offer assistance in innovative ways that get actual results for patient progress for both acute injuries and chronic injuries. Robotic exoskeletons from Ekso Bionics are going beyond the limitation of what physical therapy and rehabilitation can achieve for patients recovering from brain injury.

A wearable exoskeleton is designed to help individuals get out of the wheelchair and relearn how to walk with a natural gait. Ekso Bionics and EksoNR are industry leaders in exoskeleton technology and are the only wearable robots that are FDA-approved to help brain injury, spinal cord injury, and stroke patients in recovery. Ekso is helping patients and therapists see actual results and is in many cases becoming an essential part of the recovery process.

The Goal of Rehabilitation for Brain Injury

Brain injuries can leave patients in the hospital for a significant length of time. It can take many rehabilitation sessions to regain function and natural abilities. Sitting, walking, eating, or even moving limbs may be difficult tasks for patients. The goal of neurorehabilitation is to help these individuals find some semblance of normalcy with their bodily functions. Physical therapists typically help by offering exercises and tracking gradual improvements. The Ekso company’s technology and medical device products assist with this process and help progress patients across the overall continuum of care.

Robotics speed the rate of recovery.

While the rate of recovery is different for every person, robotics are becoming an essential piece to help speed up the process. An exoskeleton pushes the wearer in new ways and offers levels of support every step of the way. These robotics move beyond limitation and help give patients newfound confidence in their abilities. With a quick turnaround from emergency care to walking on their own, EksoNR is helping patients get their life back as soon as possible.

Physical therapists can adapt treatment for each patient’s level.

Physical therapists are always looking for ways to improve their company’s operations and give better treatment to their patients. Innovative wearable robots do just that. Because of the flexibility of the lightweight design and adaptability of smart Variable-Assist sensors, a bionic exoskeleton can be adapted to work with patients during every level of their treatment. At first, it can provide full body weight support and assistance, but as you see patient progress, the robot will back off so the patient can start to move on their own with minimal assistance from the exoskeleton or SmartAssist. This can offer a true challenge for patients to push them beyond previous limitations. This opens the door for actual results and better levels of personalized treatment.

Ekso gives patients a sense of hope and renewed freedom.

The uncertainties of acquired brain injury can leave patients feeling lost and hopeless. EksoNR gives them a renewed sense of hope when they explore their newfound freedom. Instead of a lifelong need for a  wheelchair or other assistive device, they can get up and work on regaining function of their lower extremities to one day walk without any assistive device at all. This realization can be a motivator for patients in your rehabilitation clinic. See progress first hand with the only exoskeleton that is on the side of the patient with a brain injury every step of the way, literally.

Contact Ekso Bionics

Exoskeletons and robots may sound as though they belong in a sci-fi film, but they don’t. Exoskeletons belong right here, among the millions of people experiencing the effects of neurological and physical injuries leading to weakness and paralysis. To learn more about the newest exosuit technology and how they can help your application, reach out to the Ekso Bionics team today.

Power Without the Pain: What is Ekso EVO?

You work long days as industrial workers. You spend time doing repetitive tasks and overhead work that goes beyond normal human capabilities. It can lead to fatigue, muscle strain, or disruptions on job sites. Lucky for you, Ekso Bionics is here to help.

After years of research into workplace injuries, Ekso Bionics has come up with new, innovative ways to further the evolution of industrial exoskeletons. And the exoskeleton’s you’ve relied on in the past just got a new acquisition model. Introducing the EVO, an improved upper-body exoskeleton that has all kinds of new industrial applications. Built to fight worker fatigue and end work-related injuries, the EVO vest will produce actual results for your workers. As an industry leader, you can use this durable solution to help the quality of life for all your employees. Get the power you need for industrial use without the pain of a long day’s work. Rely on EVO.

Where did EVO come from?

When it comes to exoskeletons and bionics, Ekso Bionics has been a leader in the field of developing this technology solution. The EksoVest was the first iteration of innovative wearable robots. While this vest covered a wide range of issues, there was more work to be done. Ekso Bionics went to work running field evaluations and analyzing the number of risks while finding opportunities for new features. Upon researching ergonomic problems and finding tremendous insights, the EVO exoskeleton was born. This solution offers actual results and allows you to work with endurance and without limitation and allows industrial workers access to a programmatic solution for their fatigue and work-day strain.

What makes EVO different?

You may be asking, what makes EVO different from other exoskeleton technology? In a word, this vest offers more freedom than ever before. No matter how much research is done, there will always be some uncertainties about what industrial workers face every day. You need solutions without limitation. EVO’s novel design makes it more flexible and durable than its predecessor. With minimal touch points, the weight-assist exoskeleton technology allows for an unrestricted range of motion that goes with the natural movement of the body. Even if the wearer has it on for a significant length of time, the comfort offers an ideal solution for workers of all sizes. It can reduce fatigue, offer faster results, and help workers avoid overexertion. This company’s technology provides actual results for the physical health of your employees and the efficiency of your company’s operations.

Eliminate pain for workers.

Thanks to the ruggedness of global manufacturing operations, a leading cause of injury and strain can be attributed to overexertion and the burden of repetitive work. When industrial workers are constantly lifting items above their heads or asked to carry heavy loads, it can lead to physical fatigue and eventually long term consequences as a result of these risks. Let the latest exoskeleton technology carry some of the load for you. By eliminating any strain from day use, you are doing a service to lower the negative impacts of manufacturing and construction applications. Save your workers from feeling pain at work by utilizing assistive upper-body exoskeleton technology like EVO.

Help with productivity.

Not only do these Ekso Bionics lower pain, but they help with productivity. Fatigued workers don’t do as well with the timing of certain events. Even the most skilled workers may start slipping at the end of a long day. EVO’s unique technology helps with business benefits and overall productivity allowing you to get more work done and more of the company’s products produced in a faster time.

Reduce the risk of injury.

As business owners, the health of our employees is always the number one priority. EVO’s innovative design can also act as standard safety harnesses and reduce the risk of injury and adverse results. Don’t let put your employees at risk for shoulder injuries or overexertion, instead, take the next step to invest in the EVO exoskeleton program. Human strength can only go so far and it is of the utmost importance to protect your workers from daily uncertainties. Use EVO to reduce the risk of injury that is a burden of repetitive work.

Contact Ekso Bionics

Exoskeletons and robots may sound as though they belong in a sci-fi film, but they don’t. Exoskeletons belong right here, among the millions of people experiencing the effects of neurological and physical injuries leading to weakness and paralysis. To learn more about the newest exosuit technology and how they can help your application, reach out to the Ekso Bionics team today.